This young female was born with a variant of Poland's syndrome, this not only consisted of significant breast asymmetry with the left side vastly underdeveloped as compared with the right but also inferior pole constriction, which was pulling her nipple/areolar complex inferiorly. The patient did not wish to undergo a breast augmentation with an alloplastic implant and instead opted for what Dr Haworth, a top Beverly Hills breast lift and enhancement expert, recommended. He suggested fat transfer with purified fat harvested from other parts of her body into her breast. Finally, in order to correct the ptosis or asymmetrical breast droop, which was exacerbated by her congenital constriction, he proffered a minimal scar Benelli mastopexy.
The results at five months are presented. The scar is confined just to the perimeter of the areolae and Dr. Haworth, a Beverly Hills breast lift specialist, performs a modified (double stitch) version of the concentric or donut mastopexy so that the nipple areolar shape and diameter remains consistent with far less chance of widening over the years.