Dr Randal Haworth, a specialist in rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills and Los Angeles, performed a primary nosejob on this woman, who was complaining of mainly a bulbous,round, ill defined tip she described as a "ball". Dr. Haworth, rhinoplasty expert Beverly Hills, performed a tip plasty by reducing the size of her alar cartilages, employing methodical suturing techniques to actually change the shape of the nasal tip cartilages as well as slightly lower the tip in order to prevent what some refer to as a "piggy" appearance where one can "look" into the nostrils.8 month follow up photographs are presented. For further information, go to Dr Haworth's blog on the subject of bulbous nasal tips.
One year follow-up photographs are presented. Notice how Dr Haworth removed the groove between her nasal tip, caused by separation of her nasal tip akar cartridges.