This young woman was both dissatisfied with her nasal appearance (tip "too bulbous, ill-defined and drooping" with a hump) and her inability to breath. She had multiple nasal problems, including a septal perforation (which paradoxically increases nasal obstuction because of excessive drying and eddie currents), hyptertrophied turbinates nd incompentant internal nasal valves. She came to Dr. Randal Haworth, a top rhinoplasty specialist in Beverly Hills in Los Angeles, to see correction of her myriad nasal problems. Haworth been performed a nasoseptal reconstruction, including turbinate reduction and spreader graft placement (to open up the internal nasal valves).
6 month follow-up photographs are presented. Not only is she (and her friends) impressed by how her countenance has dramatically improved by a "nosejob", but she is also personally elated by her increased ability to breath through her nose.
A chin implant and submental (under-the-chin) liposuction was also recommended by Dr Randal Haworth but she deferred these options till a later date.