This young girl was always unhappy with the appearance of her nose and how it related to the rest of her facial features. She felt it was too big and did not like her "hump" and ill-defined tip. She came to Dr. Randal Haworth a rhinoplasty expert in Beverly Hills for analysis and surgical treatment.
Through an open rhinoplasty technique, he performed a bony and cartilaginous hump production, tip refinement utilizing carefully placed sutures in the alar cartilages, tip rotation and shortening. Dr. Haworth, rhinoplasty expert Beverly Hills, concluded the case by improving the nasal airway and straightening the septum as well as narrowing the nasal bones (osteotomies).
One year follow-up photographs are presented. Dr. Haworth accelerated the resolution of the edema (swelling) of the nasal tip by strategically injecting a dilute admixture of dilute Kenalog (type of steroid) two weeks after the rhinoplasty.