This young lady had fairly typical concerns of small breasts which limited her ability and choice both in and out of clothes. Opting for a very natural look, feel and movement, she came to Dr. Randal Haworth, a Beverly Hills breast augmentation specialist, to fulfill her goals. Utilizing a periareolar ("around the nipple") technique he placed a memory gel silicone Mentor implant , using a subpectoral technique.
Notice the very natural "tear drop" hang of the breasts. The round, memory gel implant, is what breast augmentation expert Dr. HAWORTH calls a dynamic implant. It is round when one is recumbent but assumes a teardrop shape when standing. Hence, the shape and feel mimics a very natural breast, both in terms of feel, look and behavior.
Very little discomfort is actually felt by the patient since Dr. HAWORTH instills a long-acting local anesthetic into the breast pocket before closing the incisions. Three month follow-ups are presented.