This young lady of Asian descent did not like the appearance of her flat Oriental nose and aging llp appearance. Additionally she felt that she showed signs of "tired" eyes, specifically referring to the dark circles circling the perimeter of her lower eyelids.
Dr. HAWORTH, top Beverly Hills plastic surgeon and expert in rhinoplasty and lip reshaping surgery, suggested a specialized list of procedures which would help fulfill her goal.
Dr. Haworth, rhinoplasty specialist surgeon Beverly Hills, performed a blepharoplasty with fat transfer to her lower eyelid "tear troughs" in order to smooth the transition between her lower eyelids and her upper cheeks. Additionally, he performed the difficult combination of an upper lip lift concomitantly with a rhinoplasty. Making matters more challenging, Haworth included a Wier excision to naturally narrow her wide, flat nostrils. Finally, in addition to sculpting her neck and jowls through micro suction assisted lipectomy (liposuction), he performed a lower lip V-Y Plasty to raise and out of the central lower lip.
Naturally, Haworth needed to augment the dorsum (open "bridge") of her nose utilizing an implant with soft edges to achieve the results. Her tip was refined by sculpting her alar cartilages and reshaping them with sutures and only cartilage grafts.
Four year follow-up photographs are presented.
One can appreciate the final refined tip from the "worm's eye" view. Her flat platyrrhine nostrils have now been shaped into a more pleasing triangular shape.