Patty Farinelli (former Playmate®) was not liking the way she was aging-she felt that her skin was starting to droop and her neck was becoming loose. By keeping her weight down, her good bone structure would show through, however, because she lost so much weight, she looked sallow, tired and older. She needed both volume replacement and facial rejuvenation surgery. She came to Dr. Haworth of Beverly Hills because he was a specialist in facelifts and all other aspects of plastic surgery.
Not only did she request revitalization of her eye area as well as her face, but she also wanted refinement in her nose. Specifically, she needed her hump removed (as seen from her side profile) as well as refinement of her nasal tip and bones. Analysis also revealed that her mouth imparted an angry look to it since the corners were drooping. Dr. Randal Haworth, being a specialist in rhinoplasty as well as lip surgery, recommended a rhinoplasty (nose job) as well as a corner lip lift in addition to the facelift (rhytidectomy) and lower eyelid surgery. Dr. Haworth, facelift expert Beverly Hills, performed fat transfer to her lips and lower eyelid hollows.
7 months after surgical facial rejuventation ( facelift, lower blepharoplasty, corner lip lift and fat transfer) and rhinoplasty. Her low facial fat posed challenges in achieving a final soft result, but despite this, but elegant and natural result was obtained. Patty was thrilled with her new look and heightened self-confidence. Dr. Haworth, rhinoplasty expert Beverly Hills, advised that facial fat transfer will be needed later as an adjunct.