This young woman came to Dr. Randal Haworth, a breast augmentation specialist located in Beverly Hills, to seek improvement in the appearance of her breasts and also better balance with the rest of her frame. She wanted a significant size increase, she also wanted a natural look that appeared natural to both sight and touch. Dr. Haworth was noted on her physical exam that she had herniated areolae in the sense that her breast tissue seem to be bulging out from around her nipples.
He performed a breast augmentation, using a submuscular ("under the muscle") approach via a periareolar incision ("around the nipple"). In order to get a natural hang of the breast when placing a breast implant under the pectoralis major muscle, he needed to release the lower portion of the muscle so that it would essentially act as an apron, imparting a teardrop shape. One can clearly see from the preoperative oblique profile the underlying breast tissue bulging through her areolae similar to a herniation.
Six-month follow-up after the sub muscular breast augmention is presented.