This young lady presented to Dr. HAWORTH, a breast implant revision specialist in Beverly Hills, with one of the most challenging cases a plastic surgeon can encounter. She was complaining of unattractive, unwieldy and heavy breasts. Of note, she underwent a previous breast augmentation above the muscle and the consequence of such a A large saline implant supported by nothing but her thin breast skin can be seen.
It was decided to remove these implants and replace them with Memory Gel silicone implants under her pectoralis major muscle for added support. A capsulectomy was also performed to remove all remnants of scar tissue and closure of her pocket above the muscle was carried out. That maneuver alone would provide a more natural, smooth transition from her collarbone into the breast, minimizing the "ledge" apparent in her preoperative photographs. A vertical mastopexy was also performed to provide the necessary lift and reduction of breast skin to better fit her smaller (but still rather large!) implants.
Six-month follow-up photographs are provided.