This patient complained of her lips- the lips became flatter, thinner and longer with age. Additionally they "dropped"- both the upper and the lower allowing the upper teeth and lower to become hidden and exposed, respectively. Compounding the problem, the patient had vertical deep wrinkles running through them. She came to Dr. Randal Haworth because he was a specialist in lip reshaping and revitalization surgery in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles and dare we say, the world.
Consequently a muscle tightening upper lip lift along with a lower lip lift /V-Y plasty was performed concomitantly with fat transfer and a CO2 lasabrasion to her entire face. A stronger laser was chosen for her rejuvenation since no other laser, including Fraxel, Thermage, etc can match its wrinkle-effacing properties.Furthermore, she was an excellent candidate for the laser since her skin was of a fairer quality.
Is fat permanent you may ask. Answer that question for yourself by examining these 2 year follow-ups photos presented above.