This young woman wished to have a softer more exotic look to her already beautifully shaped almond eyes. She came to top Beverly Hills cosmetic eye surgeon, Dr Randal Haworth to achieve her goals. He performed his rotational endoscopic brow lift through for 2 cm incision is hidden behind the hairline. The rotational aspect of this endoscopic brow lift allows for better control over the shape of the upper eyelids and brows unlike traditional open or endoscopic brow lifts which give someone rote/bland results or even leave one with the look of surprise.
The goal of this operation was to soften the shape and tilt of her eyebrows to impart a more approachable, graceful, softer, even sexy look. The operation takes approximately 45 minutes and can also weaken the corrugator muscles. The purpose of this is to remove the glabellar furrows or "11's" which occur with grimacing.
The results are subtle yet subliminally profound. The devil is in the details so to speak. This patient is 11 days out after surgery. Healing after an endoscopic brow lift by Dr. HAWORTH is relatively rapid.