DailyMail – Aug 23, 2018 (2)
Many social media influencers enlist the help of photo editing apps to sharpen up their picture-perfect public image. Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Randal Haworth believes that Tammy Hembrow may also rely on cosmetic procedures. According to Dr. Haworth, she may have undergone a nose job, liposuction and dermal fillers to achieve her bombshell look. ‘Miss Hembrow is the quintessential Instagram model for our social media world where fake is the new real,’ Dr. Haworth said.
The celebrity plastic surgeon went on to claim that she strikingly different in recent photos compared to images of her taken several years ago. ‘Based on what I presume to be filtered photos, she has undergone a striking transformation of not only her facial features but also of her facial shape,’ Dr. Haworth claimed. ‘Her jawline is more defined into a “V-line”. I would even venture to say her chin has been shortened and narrowed compared to her teenage years.’ says Dr. Haworth.
According to Dr. Haworth, Tammy Hembrow’s lips have also almost certainly been enhanced due to their ‘overly plumped’ appearance. He claimed: ‘Like Kylie Jenner, Tammy has been originally inspired by the Angelina Jolie lip variety. Paradoxically, lips oversized for a face can mature the visage beyond its years.’ His claims come after Tammy was stretchered out of Kylie Jenner’s 21st birthday party at celebrity hotspot Delilah in West Hollywood last Thursday night.
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