Well… as I originally predicted in a blog post at the time Kim Kardashian’s champagne-glass-bottom graced the cover of Paper magazine, there would be “fall out” to the story. Judging by active reaction to recent un-retouched photographs of Kim’s derrière in the media by both fellow plastic surgeons and public alike, comments have generally been less than flattering. Fortunate aftermath of wanton Buttock enlargement without consideration of body proportions and pulchritude
My blog post was essentially a warning to those seeking to “maxi-size” their assets in response to media’s insidiously pervasive influence on the public’s impressionable collective psyche.
A copy of my original blog post is here:I don’t like comic book butts and I cannot lie
Not to say that the images in question expose overtly ireversible droop of Kim’s buttocks, they do unquestionably reveal the dimpling, pitting and bulging of exaggerated cellulite. Furthermore, there is no way to predict how these artificially corpulent gluteals will age with further time. Unfortunately in 2017, there is little to be convincingly done to remedy such a situation.
Lest this be a caveat for those seeking buttock super-sizing regardless of the method employed.
Dr. Haworth