Well… as I originally predicted in a blog post at the time Kim Kardashian’s champagne-glass-bottom graced the cover of Paper magazine, there would be “fall out” to the story. Judging by active reaction to recent un-retouched photographs of Kim’s derrière in the media by both fellow plastic surgeons and public alike, comments have generally been less than flattering. Fortunate aftermath of wanton Buttock enlargement without consideration of body proportions and pulchritude
My blog post was essentially a warning to those seeking to “maxi-size” their assets in response to media’s insidiously pervasive influence on the public’s impressionable collective psyche.
A copy of my original blog post is here:I don’t like comic book butts and I cannot lie
Not to say that the images in question expose overtly ireversible droop of Kim’s buttocks, they do unquestionably reveal the dimpling, pitting and bulging of exaggerated cellulite. Furthermore, there is no way to predict how these artificially corpulent gluteals will age with further time. Unfortunately in 2017, there is little to be convincingly done to remedy such a situation.
Lest this be a caveat for those seeking buttock super-sizing regardless of the method employed.
Dr. Haworth
I was exchanging breast implants and performing a capsulectomy the other day (to treat a breast encapsulation) when my anesthesia provider expressed surprise at my method. Specifically, she had commented that she has never worked with a breast implant revision specialist, especially one in Beverly Hills or California, who had removed the WHOLE collagenous capsule when treating a breast encapsulation. Apparently she has only seen plastic surgeons either make slits in capsules (capsulotomy) or only partially remove them.
Evidently, she was part of a growing support group of women who had their breast implants removed for mainly medical reasons and were firm believers that any associated capsules needed to be removed in their entirety during the same operation. Up to now I had no idea that performing a total capsulectomy is “a thing” and supposedly I am among a minority who do this par for the course.
One of the leading theories for breast encapsulation relates to bacteria and their byproduct, biofilm (a type of organic shield, if you will), surrounding the surface of the breast implant itself. One can safely assume that if a breast implant is supposedly contaminated by bacteria so is its associated surrounding capsule. Therefore, it is only logical to remove the collagen capsule in its entirety when removing or exchanging a breast implant, whether it be silicone or saline.
I created this video below to help patients better understand the vexing process of breast encapsulation and methods to treat it. Though breast augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgical procedures performed today, it is also one of the most capricious or unpredictable because breasts often times have a mind of their own and do not behave in the way we would like them to.
Dr Haworth 2017
New techniques always emerge which supplant the old. The same is true with the plastic surgical procedure called rhinoplasty, or in common parlance, nose job. A nose is basically composed of three materials: overlying skin with associated fat, bone and cartilage.
A rhinoplasty involves:
changing the shape and slant of the bones through selective filing and cutting
changing the shape of the cartilages through removal, adding and reshaping with sutures and
in selected cases, “defatting” the skin to allow the shape of the cartilages and bone to “shine through”.
In order to perform the rhinoplasty, the surgeon must gain access to the underlying bone and cartilage through either through a closed or open technique. The former involves making incisions confined to within the nostrils and performing the surgery through the limited exposure that these incisions thus provide. The latter, open technique, involves making the same incisions within the nostrils but joining them across the columella (the fleshy partition that separates the left and right nostril at the base of the nose).
I am frankly surprised and amused that in 2017, some plastic surgeons still insist that the closed technique, when “performed properly”, provides equal or even superior results than those obtained with an open one. These same surgeons cite a few old masters of closed rhinoplasty fromthe 1970s and 80s to support their contention that the closed method is superior. However, the best results from these old Masters do not parallel those obtained from top rhinoplasty surgeons today. Whether you like it or not, progress is inevitable and the new masters of today produce better results than the masters of yore.
I recently attended two conferenceshosting some of the top thought leaders in rhinoplasty surgery. As expected, there was not one expert in the room who would consider closed rhinoplasty an option to achieve the delicate and precise results expected by their patients. Indeed, even in their hands they felt that a closed rhinoplasty generally leads to a subpar result. Imagine having to work on the engine of your car only through the left and right front wheel wells. Without opening the hood to gain full unimpeded access to the engine, your ability to effectively work is exceedingly hampered.
The results of any plastic surgery should be measured by the end visual result and not by the process to achieve it.
Those who promote closed rhinoplasty as better invariably cite less swelling and no potentially visible scar as their main selling point, but this is a fallacious argument. When properly performed, as a top Beverly Hills rhinoplasty expert, Dr Randal Haworth has seen minimal to no difference in postoperative swelling between the open and closed methods and the scars essentially become invisible whether you are a young model or a 70-year-old person. The proponents of closed rhinoplastyproudly display their early smooth and symmetrical resultsas being superior. However, in the early postoperative period, it is the very swelling that the closed proponents claim is not there that may be masking inaccurate nasal construction below. This can be seen in the many examples of famous nosesheralded in their early postoperative period but turn out poorly constructed when their swelling dissipated. Generally avoidable deformities such as inverted V deformities, pinched tips and crooked noses become unavoidably visible no matter how much makeup contouring and good lighting is available.
Famous Noses and Deformities via Closed Techniques:
After closed rhinoplasty with obvious ‘inverted V” deformity, pinched tip and lack of harmony between the upper and lower portion of the noseNote the lack of continuity between the upper bony portion of the nose and the lower cartilaginous portion. An obvious “inverted V” deformity and pinched tip do not help the situation.After a closed rhinoplasty, note crooked appearance, asymmetrical and drooping pinch tip
Examples of Complex Rhinoplasties Performed through the Open Technique:
Significant congenital asymmetry of the nostrils. After an open rhinoplasty-note significantly improved symmetry with minimal scar that a closed rhinoplasty technique can’t achieveUnfortunate result from a closed rhinoplasty with “inverted V” deformity and asymmetrical, bulbous tip. An open rhinoplasty was performed with significant improvement of the noseUnfortunate result from a closed rhinoplasty with “inverted V” deformity, retracted nostrils and asymmetrical, bulbous tip. An open rhinoplasty was performed with significant improvement of the noseUnfortunate result from a closed rhinoplasty with “inverted V” deformity, retracted nostrils and asymmetrical, bulbous tip. An open rhinoplasty was performed with significant improvement of the noseAnother example of noticeable congenital asymmetry of the nostrils. After an open rhinoplasty-note significantly improved symmetry with minimal scar that a closed rhinoplasty technique can’t achieve
When precise control over the shape and symmetry of the nose is required as well as control over the subtle light reflexes and shadows embodying the beauty of a nose, nothing beats an experienced surgeon with a precise touch, an aesthetic sensibility and an open rhinoplasty technique.
“Time is a cruel thief to rob us of our former selves. We lose as much to life as we do to death.” Elizabeth Forsythe Hailey
Living in the modern world becomes more complex and harder as life in the 21st-century becomes faster and faster. We are burdened with responsibilities and distracted by an interminable onslaught of media in all forms including the capricious internet. It seems as if everything is competing for our attention in one way, shape or form while stealing precious time we could otherwise devote to family, friends and simply to our own selves. Therefore, when it comes to saving time, the need to heal quickly after any cosmetic procedure is almost rapacious.
Unfortunately, there is no magic pill or formula to bypass the post operative inflammation of bruising, swelling and discomfort at this current time. As one of the top plastic surgeons in Beverly Hills, Dr. HAWORTH has seen a thing or two about how patients heal after the thousands of surgeries he has performed over two decades. As a facial plastic surgery expert, he has performed thousands of primary and revision rhinoplasties, brow lift, facelifts and blepharoplasties not to mention the breast implant operations throughout his career and has realized there are things you can do both at home and in the clinical setting to accelerate your healing.
First of all, it is a good idea to focus on whole foods as much as possible while avoiding processed ones as the former will contain the highest levels of vitamins and amino acids your body will need for a speedy recovery. Amino acids help wounds heal faster and obviously, these are found in chicken, meats, egg whites, fish, brown rice, healthy nuts like walnuts and almonds or sunflower seeds. Taking supplemental vitamin C in your diet while increasing zinc in your diet can be helpful. Instead of taking vitamin C for a bottle, you can eat strawberries, papayas and citrus fruits which are great sources of vitamin C. 500-1000mg is the usual amount that is taken. Zinc is found in oysters which have one of the highest levels of zinc found in any food. If you are going to take a supplement, 15 mg of zinc daily is the recommended amount but you can increase your zinc intake to 30–50 mg for 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery, using zinc picolinate.
Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Haworth also recommends these useful supplements to take in preparation for your surgery include:
B12 and Iron – Iron and B12 both aid bone marrow in forming new blood cells, so incorporate foods like fish and eggs.
Vitamin B6250mg, twice a day for a week, starting 3 days after surgery. This helps reduce post-surgical fluid retention, such as swelling of the face, hands, feet or legs. With B6, you can experience substantial reduction within 24 to 48 hours.
CoQ10- Surgical trauma (particularly from cardiac surgery) causes an increase in free radicals, which damage cellular function. For this reason alone, you should take at least 50 mg of CoQ10 as part of your daily routine before your cosmetic surgery and 100–200 mg/day for at least 4 weeks after.
Fiber and probiotics – This combination helps boost the immune system and also keeps your digestive tract moving along. Eating yogurt with granola is just one easy way to get a serving of both fiber and probiotics! When choosing a probiotic, consider one that contains acidophilus and bifida bacteria (follow label instructions for dosage). Surgical patients often receive oral or intravenous antibiotics in the hospital, which creates the potential for yeast infections, digestive disturbances and diarrhea. A probiotic may help counteract these problems.
One amino acid that has been shown to speed with healing is glutamine and a study from Harvard and Dave showed that it shortened healing by about four days. Apart from supplements, glutamine can be found in beef, chicken and all types of fish. Dairy products such as cheese, milk, yogurt and eggs contain glutamine with ricotta and cottage cheese being the two richest sources. Vegetarians can find glutamine in beans and lentils.
For most of his patients, facial plastic surgery specialist Haworth recommends supplemental Arnica Montana, Bromelain/ Bromezyme (this pineapple enzyme helps prevent blood clots, aids digestion while decreasing inflammation and pain after surgery) and Pycnogenol/Pine bark. This triumvirate is aimed at reducing bruising, soreness and inflammatory edema.
Apart from the above, many patients inquire about any other additional medications, exercises or procedures that can be done to maximally reduce their healing times after surgery. Of course, all patients should ask their individual physicians or surgeons about their own personalized recommendations to speed up recovery which is beyond the scope of this post.
Bioptron® Light employs a combination of polarized infrared and visible light (480nm-3400nm) considered beneficial in the treatment of wound problems and injuries by exerting its effect at the cellular level. Bioptron® therapy has a low energy density (fluency) of 2.4 J/cm2 at a distance of 10 cm and can penetrate the skin up to 2.5 cm.
This patient had impending skin necrosis around her here after a facelift. Only 7 days of Bioptron ® light therapy were administered and notice the rapid improvement in reversing the damage.After 5 days of Bioptron® therapy to resolve bruising resulting from lower eyelid procedure to treat her dark circles/tear troughs.After 3 days of Bioptron® light therapy to accelerate the resolution of bruising and skin injury after a breast reduction by Dr. HAWORTH.
It has been used effectively in the treatment of burns, pressure sores, leg ulcers, wounds, pain and recently, postoperative healing. Dr Haworth have found it very useful in his clinic to reduce both swelling and bruising. Supporting his experience, other plastic surgeons here and abroad have noted decreased resolution times of eccymosis and edema following surgery by over 33% with Bioptron®. Indeed, it has been used to also reverse the course of cutaneous necrosis as well as accelerate granulation of open wounds, either alone or in conjunction with hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT).
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized room or tube. It is a well-established treatment for decompression sickness, a hazard of scuba diving. Other conditions treated with HBOT include serious infections, bubbles of air in blood vessels and non-healing wounds as a result of diabetes or radiation injury.
In a HBOT chamber, the air pressure is increased to 3 times higher than normal air pressure and under these conditions, your lungs can gather more oxygen than would be possible breathing pure oxygen at normal air pressure. However, there is some confusion about what actually is “true” HBOT. Those employing “soft” tent like enclosures are essentially useless since they are unable to obtain a true hyperbaric environment of 2 to 4 atmospheres absolute (ATA). In fact, these personal or home-use “hyperbaric” tent enclosures can usually only attain a pressure of 1.3 ATA. There is a debate as to how much and how many treatments are necessary to speed up recovery after plastic surgery. While most plastic surgeons perhaps recommend one preoperatively and at least 3 to 5 postoperatively, experts in the field say one needs at least 15 to 20 treatments in order to see significant results. In my experience, 3 to 5 treatments are all that is necessary to achieve the more modest goals of reducing edema, bruising and discomfort resulting from elective plastic surgery.
After certain surgeries, body contouring plastic surgery expert Dr Randal Haworth may also recommend selective lymphatic massage/drainage to resolve edema (swelling) of the extremities, particularly after liposuction or liposculpture.
The above aforementioned vitamins, nutritional supplements and clinical interventions may not be the panacea to surgical healing which comes in a pill form, but they certainly are a step in the right direction in making recovery from any procedure as smooth as possible in 2017.
Artificially round and hard appearing breasts after an overfilled “above the muscle” breast implant augmentation. The patient desired a more natural and smaller pair of breasts to match her frameNatural result afterexchange of her overfilled implants to memory gel silicone implants “under the muscle” along with a mastopexy (breast lift).
What is wrong with this revision breast implant and lift surgery I performed?
According to this patient, apparently everything!
At first, this patient came to me with ostensibly straightforward requests to “make” her breasts smaller and “better-shaped” in accordance with her body frame. Of note, she had undergone a previous “above the muscle” breast augmentation which, in my humble opinion, left her with a net result of breasts which were too big, too round and too fake. In essence, her breasts did not lend to a pulchritudinous appearance and that is why she sought my expertise in the first place. Indeed, she wanted to get remarried after having children and was seeking “christian boobs” to attract a decent husband. So I did what any self-respecting, honest and aesthetically minded board certified plastic surgeon would do and that was to perform a capsulectomy (remove her collagenous scar capsules), substitute her overfilled saline implants with smooth Memory Silicone Gel implants placed “under the muscle” and conclude with a bilateral mastopexy (breast lift). I thought the surgery was an unqualified success and, further punctuated by her exceptional healing vis-à-vis scarring.
So why was she unhappy? I was thoroughly puzzled since we both had extensive discussions prior to the surgery about the usual risks, alternatives and benefits including what she exactly wanted from the surgery. I know she wanted to go smaller (check), she wanted to be natural (check), she wanted to appear more youthful and perky (check) and indeed she conceded that I did achieve these goals. However,she also expected her breasts to be firm and more round –she felt that her result was too natural, both in look and to touch and therefore something went wrong.
BEFORE: Artificially round and hard appearing breasts after an overfilled “above the muscle” breast implant augmentation. The patient desired a more natural and smaller pair of breasts to match her frameAFTER:Natural result after exchange of her overfilled implants to memory gel silicone implants “under the muscle” along with a mastopexy (breast lift).BEFOREAFTER
But after further, protracted postoperative conversations with her, I realized where the disconnect was. I did not give her what she exactly wanted from the surgery because I gave her what she askedfor and not what she wanted. In essence, this was a story of missed and unrealistic expectations.
More and more of these situations arise in a plastic surgery practice simply because unrealistic expectations are instilled in us 24/7 by social media. The main platforms culpable for this insidious brainwashing are the mobile apps Instagram, Snapchat and YouTube with their interminable repository of Photoshopped/FaceTuned manipulated models and instructional contouring videos. Young women come to me wanting cheekbones, buttocks or breasts like Abigail or Jocelyn Instastar simply because they are famous and therefore more popular and loved.
Social media and Instagram star Abigail Ratchford
Indeed, one patient requested Bella Hadid’s nose even though, in my opinion her rhinoplasty ended up with an “inverted V” deformity and a somewhat pinched, boxy tip. However, it did not matter to her because she considered Bella her idol andwas willing to accept a possible substandard result with potential nasal obstruction. Ah, the power of celebrity!
Recently, I had the experience of operating on another young woman who had beautifully shaped breasts with a natural cleavage. She wanted to go only slightly bigger yet have a bigger gap between her breasts. The surgery went flawlessly but the patient was dissatisfied. She agreed her breasts were fuller with a wider cleavage but she now voiced that I should have known all along she wanted her breasts to look fake, round and hard! After this perplexing conversation, I sat down and pondered the meaning of what I really do.
Social media and Instagram star, Joselyn Cano.
It is one thing to make abnormalities such as unnatural breasts look natural but it’s another thing altogether to make natural looking breasts look deliberately unnatural and possibly unappealing. For decades, I have endeavored to create natural results by making the deformed normal and the normal beautiful but now a new aesthetic standard has emerged in our culture and ultimately, it may not have positive consequences.
But who am I to judge? Fake is the new real.
Randal Haworth MD, FACS
Very few surgeons in the world understand aesthetics to the point where they can be a true hyperaesthetic facial plastic surgeon specialist. A hyperesthetic specialist is similar to the conductor of an orchestra-he or she needs to know all the instruments better than the individual players in order to “orchestrate” them to create melodious harmony without dissonance. One of the keys to create visual harmony in the face is mastering lip rejuvenation surgery-it’s not just about adding volume (which is essentially what most practitioners and patients equate with lip enhancement), it’s about mastering the shape of both the upper and lower lip. Patients travel from all corners of the globe to top Beverly Hills plastic surgeon and lip augmentation specialist, Dr Haworth to undergo hyperesthetic change, which may include any number of surgical art performances including a high-profile facelift, endoscopic brow lift, blepharoplasty, rhinoplasty or his lip reshaping signature surgery! https://youtu.be/cI3nEq5R3x8
While we in the cosmetic industry are getting better and better at delivering the results that patients expect, I still hold fast that 60 to 70% of modern high-tech materials and devices in plastic surgery over promise and under deliver !
Considering that the future of plastic surgery will be less about actual surgery as more more and more technological advances are made in the lab (think genetic engineering, better fillers, better lasers, etc.), this 60-70% statistic is rather disappointing. What makes this all the more egregious is the fact that doctors are forced to pay an arm and a leg for such underperforming technologies (Ulthera ® Thermage®, etc.). In light of the fact you can get a state-of-the-art Tesla with all the bells and whistles for around $100,000, paying $150,000 or more for a machine that just delivers fuddy-duddy ultrasound technology through a wand to aid in liposuction is frankly outrageous. However, the medical tech companies can’t be solely blamed for this-they are basically governed by the FDA’s policies which, in turn, are a response to precedents extrapolated to an absurd degree by lawyers.
Unfortunately, I have seen it all too many times – a new plastic surgery technology coming out amidst a flurry of media only to fade into relatively rapid obscurity. This is similar to a Billboard chart topper only to turn out to be a one-hit wonder!
In my opinion the latest overhyped snakeoil is Kybella® from the big pharma conglomerate Allergan®, proud makers of Latisse®, Botox®, Voluma®, Juvéderm®, etc.
I was glad to hear from some of my esteemed colleagues at the recent American Society of Plastic Surgery meeting in Los Angeles that their thoughts on Kybella ® echoed mine.
Taking into account Kybella’s negative points, which include:
1. relative risk of damaging important facial nerves,
2. cost (though one treatment is less expensive than liposuction, more often than not multiple treatments are necessary and these, of course, add up),
3. associated pain,
4. longer recovery (which, ironically, is worse than surgical liposuction since remarkable swelling can occur after every injection session)
5. inferior results to those obtained with aesthetically and skillfully performed liposuction
…there is little to no advantage in utilizing Kybella® for my patients except perhaps for its superior multi-million dollar marketing campaign! Indeed, micro liposuction can provide unprecedented control in removing fat to treat a double chin while refining the jawline and addressing the jowls as well-all with less downtime and more economically so in the end.
Case in point:
Dramatic perioral rejuvenation including improvement of the jowl and chin utilizing a combination micro liposculpture and fat transferDramatic perioral rejuvenation including improvement of the jowl and chin utilizing a combination micro liposculpture and fat transfer. Note the smoother jawline and submental (chin) region all performed with delicate no scar facial surgery without a face or neck lift.After combination micro liposculpture and fat transfer. Note the smoother jawline and submental (chin) region all performed with delicate no scar facial surgery without a face or neck lift.
So you had a nose job and you don’t like the result.
Now what are you going to do?
You can always do nothing and live with the result. That’s OK. That’s your decision.
You can go back to the original surgeon or to a new one (of course, one who is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery).
This plastic surgeon may feel you’re a good candidate and give you two options: surgery (secondary or revision rhinoplasty) or non-surgery. In essence, the knife or the needle.
Before your meeting with the plastic surgeon, you may think your only option at this point is a revision rhinoplasty with its attendant cost and recovery. However, this plastic surgeon rhinoplasty expert whom you chose to get a secondary opinion with, surprised you with his honesty, suggesting an altogether different approach to your nagging problem. He offered you a solution that involves less recovery, costs a good deal less and fixes your main concern…
…and it doesn’t involve surgery.
Your new plastic surgeon offered to inject filler into your nose to camouflage the irregularities, smooth and even out your bridge and even give you more of a chic tip. From the front view, by strategically injecting the filler to alter the light reflex and control shadows your deviated nose can even be made to appear straight.
He/she offers you a temporary or permanent filler. The temporary ones can serve as a dress rehearsal, so to speak, if you are unsure as to whether this is a good idea or not. Temporary ones such as hyaluronic acid (e.g., Juvederm ®, Restylane ®, Voluma ®) or calcium hydroxyapatite (Radiesse ®)are good choices. Permanent ones such as Bellafill ®, Aquamid ® (not FDA approved) or fat transfer (a living transplant from your own body) are all excellent fillers in my opinion.
You decide to go for it but you must be counseled to have realistic expectations. Fillers definitely cost less and involve less recovery (a few days of swelling and perhaps minor bruising at worst).
However, the filler solution will:
1. Neither help breathing problems
2. Nor will they treat all forms of aesthetic deformities such as this:
Significantly distorted medial crura of the alar cartilages
So the next time you’re considering altering the shape of your nose with a rhinoplasty of some sort, you may ask your plastic surgeon (hopefully, board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery) about the filler option. Albeit, it cannot match the power of an actual surgical rhinoplasty, the non-surgical, filler rhinoplasty can be an excellent alternative to actual scalpel- based surgery in many select circumstances.
In these cases, the needle can be more powerful than the knife as one can see below:
This lady had a distorted nose after a previous rhinoplasty. Her cartilages were visible through her extremely thin skin and were twisted. After Bellafill ® Treatment.Note the improvement of her inverted V deformity and how the nose appears straighterNote how her nasal rims have been dramatically lowered with the off-the-shelf filler. Of course, individual results may vary.
I recently came across this article by Jonathan Kaplan, and it struck a chord with me. The Yelp review is something that doctors have become accustomed to in recent years, but not always by choice. While Yelp can be a great way for patients to find new doctors, it also poses a lot of problems for the medical community.
The care of a doctor is very different from the service you might get at a restaurant, so why would you review the two using the same system? It is much more difficult for patients to review their health care objectively. Their opinions are often based on their emotions and the pain they are feeling.
In his article, Kaplan suggests that Yelp reviews might be contributing the opioid crisis in America. A patient in a great deal of discomfort may ask for more pain killers. Their doctor is trained to know the proper dosage to give them, and will often deny them anything more than what is necessary. However, more recently, patients who do not feel their pain has been sufficiently addressed have taken to Yelp to voice their anger. A bad Yelp review can really make things difficult on a practice, so more and more often, doctors find themselves giving in to these requests in order to avoid the negative reviews. I can’t count how many doctors, not just plastic surgeons, who been held hostage by their misguided patients threatening to post misleading if not blatantly false reviews if they do not get what they want. Consequently, these online reviews can be inherently biased, arising from personal agendas and not from impartial reporting of facts. It’s not hard to imagine how this can also harm the unsuspecting public who, prompted by a malevolent post, may seek alternative treatment from a less qualified professional. This was unfortunately the case when my friends daughter was booked for a liver transplant for a congenital condition to be performed by one of the worlds preeminent liver transplant surgeons here in Los Angeles. After reading a negative online review, she canceled her surgery and ended up getting surgery elsewhere. Tragically her operation was bungled because of a negligent mismatch which resulted in her ultimate death. This could’ve been avoided if she did not read the deliberately misleading online review by the disgruntled patient (who I later came to find out was denied further Vicodin pain medication for her own good since it contains acetaminophen, a known tocsin to the liver).
Like in any profession, doctors have patients that are wonderful and compliant, but they can also come across others that can be difficult to work with. The review of one difficult person should not affect an entire medical practice. Furthermore, the fear of negative reviews can not and should not lead doctors to over prescribe medication and put the health of their patients at risk.
The latest in treatments, fillers and procedures help keep you beautifully radiant-at any age. Here’s the inside track on what to do, and who to go to, to put your best self forward. Among those esteem practitioners interviewed by Angelina, Dr. Randal Haworth MD was honored to be included among them. Anti-aging treatments“Botox plays in important role in keeping fine lines at bay”, says plastic surgeon Dr. Randal Haworth MD renowned for achieving naturally beautiful results. Haworth suggests conservative use of Botox (from $500, the Haworth Institute) in the 30s to diminish fine lines and crows feet.
Beverly Hills plastic surgeon Dr. Randal Haworth MD Bellafill ($1200, The Haworth Institute) to permanently diminish deep folds and fill out eyelid hollows.