I have been using Botox™ for close to 16 years now and have successfully applied it to not only erase forehead and eye region wrinkles, but also to improve the oral area and neck. By strategically injecting small amounts of Botox™ into the upper lip I can help curl out the upper lip by emphasizing the “white roll” or vermillion border as well as soften the stubborn wrinkles there. Also I can elevate the otherwise sad, downturned corners of the mouth by injecting into the depressor anguli oris muscle (DAO) and produce a minor facelift by injecting the platysma muscle of the neck.
The chin can also by smoothed out by ridding it of that aging cobblestone appearance when grimacing, while pore size can be reduced by selectively placing Botox™ into the dermis of the skin only. With this latter technique (when injected into the forehead), the patient can still move their brows but their wrinkles are vastly reduced as well as their pore size- that frozen look is avoided which is especially important for my actor patients. Xeomen™ is a new substitute for Botox and has a number of advantages.
For further information, check out these Extra™ LifeChanger features on the very subject: